2022 Observatory of Languages and Resources of Brazil (D4M)

There are several initiatives in the world to allow access to the Word of God for every person on the planet transformed into biblical access and biblical engagement projects. The Brazilian missionary movement, however, lacks data in Portuguese that allow answering the following questions:
  • How many and which languages are spoken in Brazil?
  • What portions of the Bible have already been translated (text, audio and video) into each of these languages spoken in the country?
  • Which languages have Bible access and Bible engagement projects underway and which do not?
  • Where are the communities that speak each of these languages located?
Rodrigo Tinoco, a Brazilian researcher in the field of missiology and founder of Data4Misssion (D4M), whose slogan is “Transforming data into missionary actions”, leads the initiative of the Observatory of Languages and Resources of Brazil, responsible for preparing this report.

The D4M Data4Mission team provides voluntary and free knowledge stewardship consultancy:
  • Data collection, analysis and mining;
  • Construction of decision-making panels.
The observatory nomenclature for this Data4Mission (D4) initiative was chosen due to the cyclical and continuous nature of the work, which, as mentioned, counts on the collaboration of a group of apprentice volunteers.
Throughout the report, we have elaborated some questions to contribute to the debate on the use of the exposed information.

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