North America

(image for) America's Unchurched Population

America's Unchurched Population

·Type: Maps ·Map Date: 2006 ·Data Source: Churches and Church Membership in the United States 1990, Glenmary Research Center, Nashville, Tennessee ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Intro to...
(image for) Bermuda map (World Factbook)

Bermuda map (World Factbook)

·Type: Maps ·Description: Bermuda (Factbook) ·Map Date: 2007 ·Producer: US Government ·Collection: World Factbook country maps ·Size: 329x352 px, portrait ·Categories: Type :: Maps Continent/Region...
(image for) Bermuda map (World Factbook, modified)

Bermuda map (World Factbook, modified)

·Type: Maps ·Description: Bermuda (World Factbook, modified to add country name) ·Map Date: 2007 ·Producer: US Government modified by Joshua Project ·Collection: World Factbook country maps ·Size: 329x352...
(image for) Canada (Factbook 2007)

Canada (Factbook 2007)

·Type: Maps ·Description: Canada ·Map Date: 2007 ·Producer: US Government ·Collection: World Factbook country maps ·Size: 330x355 px, landscape ·Categories: Type :: Maps Continent/Region :: North...
(image for) Canada map (World Factbook, modified)

Canada map (World Factbook, modified)

·Type: Maps ·Description: Canada (World Factbook, modified to add country name) ·Map Date: 2007 ·Producer: US Government modified by Joshua Project ·Collection: World Factbook country maps ·Size: 330x355...
(image for) CPR in the City of Dayton

CPR in the City of Dayton

·Type: Documents ·Date: 27 April 1996 ·Authors: Luis Bush ·Producer: AD2000 and Beyond Movement ·Collection: Regional/Country Reports ·Pages: 3 ·Categories: Type :: Documents Continent/Region ::...
(image for) Displaced People in North America (Prayercast)

Displaced People in North America (Prayercast)

Recently, the U.S. admitted 271,000 Ukrainian refugees since the Russian invasion. Before that nearly 100,000 Afghans were brought to the safety of the American borders. Additionally, many have sought refuge from Syria, Somalia, Iran, and elsewhere....
(image for) Greenland map (World Factbook)

Greenland map (World Factbook)

·Type: Maps ·Description: Greenland (Factbook) ·Map Date: 2007 ·Producer: US Government ·Collection: World Factbook country maps ·Size: 327x350 px, landscape ·Categories: Type :: Maps...
(image for) Greenland map (World Factbook, modified)

Greenland map (World Factbook, modified)

·Type: Maps ·Description: Greenland (World Factbook, modified to add country name) ·Map Date: 2007 ·Producer: US Government modified by Joshua Project ·Collection: World Factbook country maps ·Size: 327x350...
(image for) Language Spoken at Home - El Paso County

Language Spoken at Home - El Paso County

· Type Maps · Map Date: 2018 · Data Source: American Community Survey, 2015, · Partners: LightSys Technology Services, U.S. Government...
(image for) Minorities as a Majority

Minorities as a Majority

·Type: Maps ·Description: Minorities as a majority ·Map Date: 2001 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Missions Minute (WorldVue 2002) ·Size: 8½ x 11 Inches, portrait...
(image for) Minorities as a Majority (BW)

Minorities as a Majority (BW)

·Type: Maps ·Description: Minorities as a majority ·Map Date: 2002 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Missions Minute (WorldVue 2002) ·Size: 8½ x 11 Inches, portrait...
(image for) Mission America to Encourage Adoption

Mission America to Encourage Adoption

·Type: Documents ·Date: May 1997 ·Authors: Debbie Wood ·Producer: AD2000 and Beyond Movement ·Collection: Regional/Country Reports ·Pages: 2 ·Categories: Type :: Documents Continent/Region :: North...
(image for) Muslims in Canada (Prayercast)

Muslims in Canada (Prayercast)

well integrated; highly educated; lacking hope Islam is the fastest growing non-Christian religion in Canada (235,000 in 1991, 580,000 in 2001, and just over 1 million in 2011). Canada’s population growth rate is the fastest of all G8 nations,...
(image for) Muslims in USA (Prayercast)

Muslims in USA (Prayercast)

who will love them? who will tell them? The first Muslims in America were most likely African slaves owned by 16th century European explorers. In the 18th century, Thomas Jefferson campaigned in Virginia for freedom of religion not just for...
(image for) North America

North America

·Type: Maps ·Map Date: 2007 ·Producer: US Government ·Collection: World Factbook reference maps ·Size: 421x557 px, portrait ·Categories: Type :: Maps Collection :: World Factbook reference maps...
(image for) North America

North America

·Type: Maps ·Description: Political Map of Northe America ·Map Date: 2002 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Regions (WorldVue 2002) ·Size: 8½ x 11 Inches, landscape...
(image for) North America

North America

·Type: Maps ·Map Date: 2006 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Regions (GMMS 2007) ·Size: 8½ x 11 inches, portrait ·Categories: Type :: Maps Continent/Region :: North America...
(image for) North America (BW)

North America (BW)

·Type: Maps ·Description: Political Map of Northe America ·Map Date: 2002 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Regions (WorldVue 2002) ·Size: 8½ x 11 Inches, landscape...
(image for) North America (WorldBank)

North America (WorldBank)

NOTE: The most recent year's information is shown below. Click on the year to see all years for this indicator. COMMUNICATION2022  407,764,123  Mobile cellular subscriptions2021  92  Individuals using the...
(image for) Percent of Population Unchurched in USA by State

Percent of Population Unchurched in USA by State

·Type: Maps ·Description: Percent of the population unchurched in USA by state levels ·Map Date: 1990 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Intro to Mission (WorldVue 2002) ·Size: 8½ x...
(image for) Percent of Population Unchurched in USA by State (BW)

Percent of Population Unchurched in USA by State (BW)

·Type: Maps ·Description: Percent of the population unchurched in USA by state levels ·Map Date: 2002 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Intro to Mission (WorldVue 2002) ·Size: 8½ x...
(image for) Place of Birth - Myanmar, by Census Tract Aurora, Coloado Area

Place of Birth - Myanmar, by Census Tract Aurora, Coloado Area

· Type Maps · Map Date: 2018 · Data Source: American Community Survey, 2015, · Partners: LightSys Technology Services, U.S. Government...
(image for) Saint Pierre and Miquelon map (World Factbook)

Saint Pierre and Miquelon map (World Factbook)

·Type: Maps ·Description: Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Factbook) ·Map Date: 2007 ·Producer: US Government ·Collection: World Factbook country maps ·Size: 328x352 px, landscape ·Categories: Type :: Maps...
(image for) Saint Pierre and Miquelon map (World Factbook, modified)

Saint Pierre and Miquelon map (World Factbook, modified)

·Type: Maps ·Description: Saint Pierre and Miquelon (World Factbook, modified to add country name) ·Map Date: 2007 ·Producer: US Government modified by Joshua Project ·Collection: World Factbook country maps...
(image for) The Americas (Operation World)

The Americas (Operation World)

Largest Religion: Christian  Number Languages: 993  Population: 1,030,851,330 For more information go to The Americas on the Operation World website. The above link opens in a new tab.


·Type: Documents ·Date: 16 October 1999 ·Authors: Dr. Paul Cedar ·Producer: AD2000 and Beyond Movement ·Collection: Regional/Country Reports ·Pages: 3 ·Categories: Type :: Documents Continent/Region...
(image for) United States map (World Factbook)

United States map (World Factbook)

·Type: Maps ·Description: United States (Factbook) ·Map Date: 2007 ·Producer: US Government ·Collection: World Factbook country maps ·Size: 633x323 px, landscape ·Categories: Type :: Maps...
(image for) United States map (World Factbook, modified)

United States map (World Factbook, modified)

·Type: Maps ·Description: United States (World Factbook, modified to add country name) ·Map Date: 2007 ·Producer: US Government modified by Joshua Project ·Collection: World Factbook country maps ·Size:...
(image for) Vietnamese Spoken at Home - El Paso County

Vietnamese Spoken at Home - El Paso County

· Type Maps · Map Date: 2018 · Data Source: American Community Survey, 2015, · Partners: LightSys Technology Services, U.S. Government...
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