
Displaced People in Sahel (Prayercast)
millions just fighting to survive UN workers suggest that around 4.2 million people will be displaced in the Sahel in 2019. The primary cause is jihadi insurgencies in Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon, Central Africa Republic,...

Djibouti (Prayercast)
Government: Presidential Republic Major People Groups: Somali (Issa), Danakil (Afar), Arab, Eurafrican, French GDP Per Capita: $5,500 Literacy Rate: 67% Unreached: 97.2% Population:...

Dominica (Prayercast)
Government: Presidential Republic Major People Groups: ominican Mulatto, Dominican White, Dominican Black, Haitian Black, Spaniard GDP Per Capita: $17,000 Literacy Rate: 93.8% Unreached:...

Dominican Republic (Prayercast)
Government: Presidential Republic Major People Groups: Dominican Mulatto, Dominican White, Dominican Black, Haitian Black, Spaniard GDP Per Capita: $17,000 Literacy Rate: 93.8% Unreached:...

DR Congo (Prayercast)
Government: Semi-Presidential Republic Major People Groups: Leta GDP Per Capita: $1,100 Literacy Rate: 77% Unreached: 0.3% Population: 105,044,646 Religions: Christian, Ethnic...

East Africa (Prayercast)
millions suffering in oppressive and broken nations Much of East Africa is a glorious safari tourist destination, including Kenya’s Masai Mara Park, Ethiopia’s Blue Nile Falls, and Tanzania’s Serengeti and Dar es Salaam. Other...

Eastern South Asia (Prayercast)
struggling through poverty, overcroding, and oppression Roughly 300 million. That’s how many Muslims live in this relatively small region. It’s one of the most densely populated places on Earth. The good news is that...

Ebola (Prayercast)
The Ebola virus outbreak that began in December 2013 is by far the worst in history, claiming over 11,000 lives in West Africa. While we praise God that the rate of infection is abating, the disease is not eradicated, and its after-effects are...

Ecuador (Prayercast)
Government: Presidential Republic Major People Groups:Mestizo, Spanish-speaking Quichua, Latin American White, Chimborazo Highland Quichua, Black GDP Per Capita: $10,300 Literacy Rate: 93.6% Unreached:...

Education (Prayercast)
asking questions - seeking truth While adult Muslims are educated during homilies in mosque, their children are schooled in one of three ways: in government-run schools, in mosque schools -- called Madrassas, or in a combination of the two. For more...

Education Landing Page (Prayercast)
pray for learning and questioning among Muslims At this moment, students around the world are... learning discovering exploring reasoning questioning But sadly, too many of these activities...

Egypt (Prayercast)
Government: Presidential Republic Major People Groups: Egyptian Arab, Upper Egyptian Arab. Sudanese Arab. Arabized Berber. Halebi Gypsy (Nawari) GDP Per Capita: $12,000 Literacy Rate: 71.2% Unreached:...

Eid al-Adha (Prayercast)
the festival of sacrifice Eid al-Adha literally means "Festival of Sacrifice." It is also called Eid al-Kabeer -- "The Large Feast." It marks the culmination of the religious rituals on the hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca. The four-day holiday...

Eid al-Fitr (Prayercast)
celebrating the breaking of the fast Muslims around the world celebrate the end of the fasting month of Ramadan with Eid al-Fitr. Translated literally, Eid al-Fitr yields something like: "The Celebration of Breaking the Fast." For more information...

El Salvador (Prayercast)
Government: Presidential Republic Major People Groups: Mestizo, Part-Amerindian, Pipil, Salvadorian White, Lenca GDP Per Capita: $8,100 Literacy Rate: 89.1% Unreached: 15.4% Population:...

Emad’s Story (Egypt) (Prayercast)
set free and transformed by God’s power. Islam has dominated Egyptian life for 1400 years. But God loves Egypt, and He is working powerfully among Egyptians today. For more information go to Emad’s Story on the Prayercast website. The...

England (Prayercast)
Government: Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy Major People Groups: black/African/Caribbean/black British, Pakistani-British, Indian-British, white GDP Per Capita: $41,200 Literacy Rate: 99% Unreached:...

Equatorial Guinea (Prayercast)
Government: Presidential Republic Major People Groups: Okak, Pahouin, Ediya, Other GDP Per Capita: $17,000 Literacy Rate: 95.3% Unreached: 2.2% Population: 857,008 Religions:...

Eritrea (Prayercast)
Government: Parliamentary Republic Major People Groups: Northern Estonian, Russian, Southern Estonian, Estonian (Estlased), Ukrainian GDP Per Capita: $35,600 Literacy Rate: 99.8% Unreached:...

Estonia (Prayercast)
Government: Parliamentary Republic Major People Groups: Estonian, Russian, Ukrainian GDP Per Capita: $31,500 Literacy Rate: 99.80% Unreached: 16.70% For more information go to Estonia on the Prayercast...

Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) (Prayercast)
Government: Monarchy Major People Groups: Swazi (Tekeza), Zulu, Tsonga (Shangaan), Afrikaner, Coloured (Eurafrican) GDP Per Capita: $8,400 Literacy Rate: 88.4% Unreached: 0.1% Population:...

Ethiopia (Prayercast)
Government: Federal Parliamentary Republic Major People Groups: Amhara, Ittu, Tulama, Somali, Wallega GDP Per Capita: $2,300 Literacy Rate: 51.8% Unreached: 28.9% Population:...

Family (Prayercast)
the building block of Muslim society. Family In The Muslim World, What Does Islam Teach About Family? What Does The Bible Say? For more information go to Family on the Prayercast website. The above link opens in a new tab.

Fear (Prayercast)
living in bondage to paralyzing fear Muslims attempt to please God -- as they understand Him from the Quran -- largely by performing prescribed religious duties. In public, Muslims fear what others think of them. They dare not do anything to bring...

Feasts and Holy Times (Prayercast)
pray for Muslims during significant days Certain days in the Muslim calendar hold high religious significance. It is during these times that Muslims are often intentionally seeking Allah and pondering spiritual things. For more information go to...

Fiji (Prayercast)
Government: Parliamentary Republic Major People Groups: Other, Mbau GDP Per Capita: $1,000 Literacy Rate: Literacy Rate: 99.1% Unreached: 0.50% Population: 939,535 Religions:...

Finland (Prayercast)
Government: Parliamentary Republic Major People Groups: Finnish (Finn), Swedish (Swede), Karelian, Somali, Tornedalen Finnish (Finn) GDP Per Capita: $47,300 Literacy Rate: 100% Unreached:...

Five Pillars (Prayercast)
pray for Muslims practicing the Islamic rituals Over a billion people earnestly strive for Allah’s mercy and favor through the Five Pillars of Islam. Yet fear and uncertainty remain. For more information go to Five Pillars on the Prayercast...

Flor’s Story (Somalia) (Prayercast)
gripped by the beauty of Christ Most of the people in Somalia follow Islam. But no one is beyond God’s powerful and saving hand! Jesus died so that every Somali Muslim would have access to eternal life. "Flor" is one such Somali woman. For...

Folk Muslim (Prayercast)
seeking protection through rituals, practices, and people The term Folk Islam, or Popular Islam, refers to religious beliefs and practices that are distinct from the more orthodox Islamic beliefs and practices. Folk Islam is often seen as the way...