
(image for) Central African Republic (Prayercast)

Central African Republic (Prayercast)

Government: Presidential Republic  Major People Groups: Sango, Manja (Mandja), Northwest Gbaya, Linda (Banda-Bambari), Southwest Gbaya  GDP Per Capita: $900.00  Literacy Rate: 37.40%  Unreached:...
(image for) Central Asia (Prayercast)

Central Asia (Prayercast)

pulled between Folk Islam and Islamist movements. What Is Central Asia Like? What Are The Greatest Struggles In Central Asia? What Does Islam Look Like In Central Asia? What Is God Doing In Central Asia Today? For more information go to Central Asia...
(image for) Chad (Prayercast)

Chad (Prayercast)

Government: Presidential Republic  Major People Groups: Baggara   GDP Per Capita: $1,500  Literacy Rate: 22.3%  Unreached: 55.5%  Population: 17,414,108  Religions: Muslim, Christian,...
(image for) Children (Prayercast)

Children (Prayercast)

front and center in family life The saying that "children should be seen and not heard" does not ring true in the Muslim world! Children are front and center in family life: a blessing at birth, a constant presence in daily life, and a built-in...
(image for) Chile (Prayercast)

Chile (Prayercast)

Government: Presidential Republic  Major People Groups: Major People Groups: Chilean Mestizo, Chilean White, Mapuche (Araucanian), Palestinian Arab, Huilliche (Veliche)   GDP Per Capita: $23,300  Literacy Rate: 96.4%...
(image for) China (Prayercast)

China (Prayercast)

Government: Communist State  Major People Groups: Han Chinese (Mandarin), Han Chinese (Wu), Han Chinese (Cantonese), Han Chinese (Jinyu), Han Chinese (Kan, Gan)  GDP Per Capita: 16,400  Literacy Rate: 10.3%...
(image for) Christianity (Prayercast)

Christianity (Prayercast)

Jesus loves Christians. The Almighty God of the universe came to earth in human form to pay the penalty for our sin. He has brought good news to the afflicted, healed the broken hearted, and set the captive free. For more information go to...
(image for) Colombia (Prayercast)

Colombia (Prayercast)

Government: Presidential Republic  Major People Groups: Colombian Mestizo, Colombian Mulatto, Colombian White, Colombian Black, Zambo  GDP Per Capita: $13,400  Literacy Rate: 95.6%  Unreached:...
(image for) Comoros (Prayercast)

Comoros (Prayercast)

Government: Federal Presidential Republic  Major People Groups: Comorian (Ngazija), Comorian (Nzwani), Comorian (Mwali), Makua (Makhua)  GDP Per Capita: $3,100  Literacy Rate: 58.8%  Unreached:...
(image for) Congo (Prayercast)

Congo (Prayercast)

Government: Presidential Republic  Major People Groups: Mboshe, Kiombi  GDP Per Capita: $3,400  Literacy Rate: 80.3%  Unreached: 0.2%  Population: 5,417,414  Religions: Christian, Ethnic...
(image for) Coronavirus (Prayercast)

Coronavirus (Prayercast)

The COVID-19 coronavirus is impacting almost every corner of the globe. Its massive reach, spread, and death toll has earned it the title of a “pandemic.” Drastic global measures have been taken to try and contain it, including cancellations,...
(image for) Coronavirus in Multiple Languages (Prayercast)

Coronavirus in Multiple Languages (Prayercast)

The COVID-19 coronavirus is impacting almost every corner of the globe. Its massive reach, spread, and death toll has earned it the title of a “pandemic.” Multiple Languages Arabic subtitles Korean CHINESE (simplified) subtitles CHINESE...
(image for) Costa Rica (Prayercast)

Costa Rica (Prayercast)

Government: Presidential Republic  Major People Groups: Costarican White, Mestizo, Nicaraguan Mestizo, Mulatto, Part-Amerindian  GDP Per Capita: $19,700  Literacy Rate: 97.9%  Unreached:...
(image for) Cote d’Ivoire (Prayercast)

Cote d’Ivoire (Prayercast)

Government: Presidential Republic  Major People Groups: Diabula  GDP Per Capita: $5,200  Literacy Rate: 89.9%  Unreached: 33.3%  Population: 28,088,455  Religions: Muslim, Christian, Ethnic...
(image for) Croatia (Prayercast)

Croatia (Prayercast)

Government: Parliamentary Democracy  Major People Groups: Croat, Serb, Vlach Gypsy (Gurbeti), Venetian (Istrian)  GDP Per Capita: $26,500  Literacy Rate: 99.3%  Unreached: 0.7%  Population:...
(image for) Cuba (Prayercast)

Cuba (Prayercast)

Government: Communist State  Major People Groups: Cuban White, Mulatto, Black  GDP Per Capita: $12,300  Literacy Rate: 99.8%  Unreached: 0.3%  Population: 11,032,343  Religions: Christian,...
(image for) Curacao (Prayercast)

Curacao (Prayercast)

Government: Parliamentary Democracy  Major People Groups: Antillean Creole, West Indian Black, Dutch, Dominican Mulatto, French West Indian  GDP Per Capita: $24,500  Literacy Rate: 97%  Unreached:...
(image for) Cyprus (Prayercast)

Cyprus (Prayercast)

Government: Presidential Republic  Major People Groups: Greek Cypriot, Turkish Cypriot, British, Punjabi, Cypriot Maronite Arab  GDP Per Capita: $37,700  Literacy Rate: 99.1%  Unreached:...
(image for) Czech Republic (Prayercast)

Czech Republic (Prayercast)

Government: Parliamentary Republic  Major People Groups: Silesian  GDP Per Capita: $38,300  Literacy Rate: 9%  Unreached: 0.1%  Population: 10,702,596  Religions: Agnostic, Christian....
(image for) Daoism (Prayercast)

Daoism (Prayercast)

Jesus loves Daoists.  While millions search for "the way of the universe," Jesus alone says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life." For more information go to Daoism on the Prayercast website. The above link opens in a new tab.
(image for) Deception (Prayercast)

Deception (Prayercast)

doing anything necessary to maintain honor Those living among Muslims quickly learn that when one asks a question, the response is based on what the person thinks the questioner wants to hear. Why is this? For more information go to Deception on the...
(image for) Delhi (Prayercast)

Delhi (Prayercast)

historic seat of Islam in India. India has the second largest population of Muslims in the world. And if trends continue, it is expected to become the largest within 30 years. 200 million Muslims call India home. Islam has been part of India’s...
(image for) Denmark (Prayercast)

Denmark (Prayercast)

Government: Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy  Major People Groups: Danish (Dane), Turk, Iraqi Arab, Bosniac (Muslmani)  GDP Per Capita: $55,900  Literacy Rate: 100%  Unreached: 5.8%  Population:...
(image for) Dhaka (Prayercast)

Dhaka (Prayercast)

sprawling megacity with growing influence   What is Dhaka Like?   The capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka is one of the world’s largest and most densely populated cities. It has exploded from 335,000 in 1950 to 20...
(image for) Displaced People (Prayercast)

Displaced People (Prayercast)

pray for Muslims seeking safety and security They are fleeing by foot, boat, vehicle... They are landing in makeshift camps, formal camps, slums, aid centers... Displaced people are anyone who has fled or been forced from their home for any reason...
(image for) Displaced People in East Africa (Prayercast)

Displaced People in East Africa (Prayercast)

Seven of the world’s ten largest refugee camps are in East Africa— holding more than one million people. Tribal war and Islamist violence force these people to flee their homes and villages. The oppression they face is severe. They find...
(image for) Displaced People in Europe (Prayercast)

Displaced People in Europe (Prayercast)

looking for a new start after a difficult journey When 280,000 asylum seekers entered Europe illegally through Spain, Italy, Greece, and Bulgaria in 2014, it was as if an alarm had sounded. Most came from Muslim countries and hoped to settle in the...
(image for) Displaced People in Middle East (Prayercast)

Displaced People in Middle East (Prayercast)

35 million people struggling for hope Ongoing conflicts in the Middle East have displaced the largest number of people of any region in the world. It is impossible to accurately count the number of refugees and internally displaced people (IDPs) --...
(image for) Displaced People in North Africa (Prayercast)

Displaced People in North Africa (Prayercast)

North Africa is a transit route for desperate migrants fleeing famine, poverty, war, and militant violence. They are arriving by the tens of thousands. They are displaced people from sub-Saharan Africa and beyond, often headed to Europe to find...
(image for) Displaced People in North America (Prayercast)

Displaced People in North America (Prayercast)

Recently, the U.S. admitted 271,000 Ukrainian refugees since the Russian invasion. Before that nearly 100,000 Afghans were brought to the safety of the American borders. Additionally, many have sought refuge from Syria, Somalia, Iran, and elsewhere....
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