Multiple Type Collections

AD 2000 Archive CD-ROM - All Contents
·Type: Multiple Type Collections ·Date: Various but before April 2001 ·Authors: Various ·Producer: AD2000 and Beyond Movement ·Collection: AD2000 Archive CD-ROM Complete ·Note: Very large file (328...

AD 2000 Light the Window CD - All Contents
·Type: Multiple Type Collections ·Date: Various but before April 2001 ·Authors: Various ·Producer: AD2000 and Beyond Movement ·Collection: AD2000 Light the Window Complete ·Note: Very large file (482...

State of the Gospel Presentation (YLG 2006)
·Type: Maps ·Description: Jason Mandryk's State of the Gospel presentation from the 2006 Younger Leader's Gathering (YLG) in Malysia. Video, Audio, and PowerPoint versions of the presentation are available. ·Date: 2006...