
(image for) Afghanistan (Joshua Project)

Afghanistan (Joshua Project)

Progress Scale: Unreached  Population: 42,135,000  % Literacy: 43.00  Primary Religion: Islam  Professing Christian: 0.02  % Evangelical: 0.01  Official Language: Pashto,...
(image for) Afghanistan (Operation World)

Afghanistan (Operation World)

Largest Religion: Muslim  Number People Groups: 77  Number Languages: 41  Official Language: Pashtu (used by 50% of population), Dari (Afghan Persian, used by 70%) For more information go to Afghanistan on the Operation...
(image for) Afghanistan (Prayercast)

Afghanistan (Prayercast)

Government: Presidential Islamic Republic  Major People Groups: Southern Pathan, Afghan Tajik, Southern Uzbek, Hazara, Pathan  GDP Per Capita: $2,000  Literacy Rate: 37.30%  Unreached:...
(image for) Afghanistan (World Factbook website)

Afghanistan (World Factbook website)

Area: 652,230  Population: 36,643,815 July 2020 est.  Life Expectancy: 52.80  Net migration rate: -0.10 2020 est.  GDP (real growth rate): 2.70 2017 est.  Internet Users: 4,717,013 For more...
(image for) Afghanistan (WorldBank)

Afghanistan (WorldBank)

NOTE: The most recent year's information is shown below. Click on the year to see all years for this indicator. COMMUNICATION2021  22,678,024  Mobile cellular subscriptions2020  18  Individuals using the...
(image for) Afghanistan flag

Afghanistan flag

·Type: Images ·Collection: World Factbook country flags ·Small size: 108 x 54 px ·Large size: 604 x 302 px ·Categories: Country :: Afghanistan Collection :: World Factbook country flags Partners :: U.S....
(image for) Afghanistan Languages

Afghanistan Languages

·Type: Maps ·Map Date: 2007 ·Producer: GMI ·Collection: Projects 2007 ·Categories: Type :: Maps Country :: Afghanistan Partners :: Global Mapping International Collection :: GMI Map Collections :: Projects 2007...
(image for) Afghanistan map (World Factbook)

Afghanistan map (World Factbook)

·Type: Maps ·Description: Afghanistan (Factbook) ·Map Date: 2007 ·Producer: US Government ·Collection: World Factbook country maps ·Size: 329x352 px, portrait ·Categories: Type :: Maps...
(image for) Afghanistan map (World Factbook, modified)

Afghanistan map (World Factbook, modified)

·Type: Maps ·Description: Afghanistan (World Factbook, modified to add country name) ·Map Date: 2007 ·Producer: US Government modified by Joshua Project ·Collection: World Factbook country maps ·Size:...
(image for) Afghanistan Population

Afghanistan Population

·Type: Maps ·Map Date: 2007 ·Producer: GMI ·Collection: Projects 2007 ·Categories: Type :: Maps Topic :: Statistical Topic :: Demography Country :: Afghanistan Partners :: Global Mapping International Collection...
(image for) Languages of South Asia- Pashto

Languages of South Asia- Pashto

·Type: Maps ·Map Date: February 2008 ·Data Source: Census Information, UNESCO (1987) through UNEP/GRID-Sioux Falls ·Producer: Global Mapping International and The Joshua Project ·Size: 11.7 by 8.27 inches,...
(image for) Languages of South Asia- Punjabi

Languages of South Asia- Punjabi

·Type: Maps ·Map Date: February 2008 ·Data Source: Census Information, UNESCO (1987) through UNEP/GRID-Sioux Falls ·Producer: Global Mapping International and The Joshua Project ·Size: 11.7 by 8.27 inches,...
(image for) Busy Street / Afghanistan / Afghan

Busy Street / Afghanistan / Afghan

·Type: Images ·Data Source: YWAM/John Fries ·Collection: YWAM-John Fries ·Categories: Country :: Afghanistan Collection :: YWAM-John Fries Partners :: YWAM-John Fries Topic :: Images: Country :: Afghanistan Topic ::...
(image for) Elderly Man Sitting On Rug / Afghanistan / Pushtun

Elderly Man Sitting On Rug / Afghanistan / Pushtun

·Type: Images ·Data Source: YWAM/John Fries ·Collection: YWAM-John Fries ·Categories: Country :: Afghanistan Collection :: YWAM-John Fries Partners :: YWAM-John Fries Topic :: Images: Country :: Afghanistan Topic ::...
(image for) Elderly Uzbeki / Afghanistan / Uzbek

Elderly Uzbeki / Afghanistan / Uzbek

·Type: Images ·Data Source: YWAM/John Fries ·Collection: YWAM-John Fries ·Categories: Country :: Afghanistan Collection :: YWAM-John Fries Partners :: YWAM-John Fries Topic :: Images: Country :: Afghanistan Topic ::...
(image for) Fruit And Vegetable Store / Afghanistan

Fruit And Vegetable Store / Afghanistan

·Type: Images ·Data Source: YWAM/John Fries ·Collection: YWAM-John Fries ·Categories: Topic :: Peoples, multiple or unknown Country :: Afghanistan Collection :: YWAM-John Fries Partners :: YWAM-John Fries Topic ::...
(image for) Fruits And Vegetable Seller / Afghanistan

Fruits And Vegetable Seller / Afghanistan

·Type: Images ·Data Source: YWAM/John Fries ·Collection: YWAM-John Fries ·Categories: Topic :: Peoples, multiple or unknown Country :: Afghanistan Collection :: YWAM-John Fries Partners :: YWAM-John Fries Topic ::...
(image for) Man Tending To Sheep / Afghanistan / Afghan

Man Tending To Sheep / Afghanistan / Afghan

·Type: Images ·Data Source: YWAM/John Fries ·Collection: YWAM-John Fries ·Categories: Country :: Afghanistan Collection :: YWAM-John Fries Partners :: YWAM-John Fries Topic :: Images: Country :: Afghanistan Topic ::...
(image for) Man With Beard / Afghanistan / Pushtun

Man With Beard / Afghanistan / Pushtun

·Type: Images ·Data Source: YWAM/John Fries ·Collection: YWAM-John Fries ·Categories: Country :: Afghanistan Collection :: YWAM-John Fries Partners :: YWAM-John Fries Topic :: Images: Country :: Afghanistan Topic ::...
(image for) Nomad Child / Afghanistan / Kuchi

Nomad Child / Afghanistan / Kuchi

·Type: Images ·Data Source: YWAM/John Fries ·Collection: YWAM-John Fries ·Categories: Country :: Afghanistan Collection :: YWAM-John Fries Partners :: YWAM-John Fries Topic :: Images: Country :: Afghanistan Topic ::...
(image for) Selling Vegetables / Afghanistan / Afghan

Selling Vegetables / Afghanistan / Afghan

·Type: Images ·Data Source: YWAM/John Fries ·Collection: YWAM-John Fries ·Categories: Country :: Afghanistan Collection :: YWAM-John Fries Partners :: YWAM-John Fries Topic :: Images: Country :: Afghanistan Topic ::...
(image for) Shepherd Boy / Afghanistan / Pushtun

Shepherd Boy / Afghanistan / Pushtun

·Type: Images ·Data Source: YWAM/John Fries ·Collection: YWAM-John Fries ·Categories: Country :: Afghanistan Collection :: YWAM-John Fries Partners :: YWAM-John Fries Topic :: Images: Country :: Afghanistan Topic ::...
(image for) Two Wives Following Husband / Afghanistan / Afghan

Two Wives Following Husband / Afghanistan / Afghan

·Type: Images ·Data Source: YWAM/John Fries ·Collection: YWAM-John Fries ·Categories: Country :: Afghanistan Collection :: YWAM-John Fries Partners :: YWAM-John Fries Topic :: Images: Country :: Afghanistan Topic ::...
(image for) Untitled 601 / Afghanistan

Untitled 601 / Afghanistan

·Type: Images ·Data Source: YWAM/John Fries ·Collection: YWAM-John Fries ·Categories: Topic :: Peoples, multiple or unknown Country :: Afghanistan Collection :: YWAM-John Fries Partners :: YWAM-John Fries Topic ::...
(image for) Untitled 602 / Afghanistan / Uzbek

Untitled 602 / Afghanistan / Uzbek

·Type: Images ·Data Source: YWAM/John Fries ·Collection: YWAM-John Fries ·Categories: Country :: Afghanistan Collection :: YWAM-John Fries Partners :: YWAM-John Fries Topic :: Images: Country :: Afghanistan Topic ::...
(image for) Untitled 603 / Afghanistan / Uzbek

Untitled 603 / Afghanistan / Uzbek

·Type: Images ·Data Source: YWAM/John Fries ·Collection: YWAM-John Fries ·Categories: Country :: Afghanistan Collection :: YWAM-John Fries Partners :: YWAM-John Fries Topic :: Images: Country :: Afghanistan Topic ::...
(image for) Untitled 604 / Afghanistan / Uzbek

Untitled 604 / Afghanistan / Uzbek

·Type: Images ·Data Source: YWAM/John Fries ·Collection: YWAM-John Fries ·Categories: Country :: Afghanistan Collection :: YWAM-John Fries Partners :: YWAM-John Fries Topic :: Images: Country :: Afghanistan Topic ::...
(image for) Uzbeki Boy / Afghanistan / Uzbek

Uzbeki Boy / Afghanistan / Uzbek

·Type: Images ·Data Source: YWAM/John Fries ·Collection: YWAM-John Fries ·Categories: Country :: Afghanistan Collection :: YWAM-John Fries Partners :: YWAM-John Fries Topic :: Images: Country :: Afghanistan Topic ::...
(image for) Americans, U.S. in Afghanistan (Joshua Project)

Americans, U.S. in Afghanistan (Joshua Project)

Progress Scale: Significantly ReachedPopulation: 500  Affinity Bloc: North American Peoples  People Cluster: English  People Name Across Countries: Americans, U.S.  Primary Religion:...
(image for) Azerbaijani in Afghanistan (Joshua Project)

Azerbaijani in Afghanistan (Joshua Project)

Progress Scale: UnreachedPopulation: 14,000  Affinity Bloc: Turkic Peoples  People Cluster: Azerbaijani, North  People Name Across Countries: Azerbaijani  Primary Religion: Islam  Percent Adherents:...
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