Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Significantly Reached Population: 10,185,000 % Literacy: 64.00 Primary Religion: Christianity Professing Christian: 94.36 % Evangelical: 22.95 Official Language:...

Papua New Guinea (Operation World)
Largest Religion: Christian Number People Groups: 885 Number Languages: 830 Official Language: English, Tok Pisin (Melanesian/English Creole) and Motu For more information go to Papua New Guinea on the Operation...

Papua New Guinea (Prayercast)
Government: Constitutional Parliamentary Democracy Major People Groups: Melanesian GDP Per Capita: $3,800 Literacy Rate: 64.20% Unreached: 0.10% For more information go to Papua New Guinea on the...

Papua New Guinea (World Factbook website)
Area: 462,840 Population: 7,259,456 July 2020 est. Life Expectancy: 67.80 Net migration rate: 0.00 2020 est. GDP (real growth rate): 2.50 2017 est. Internet Users: 787,764 For more information...

Papua New Guinea (WorldBank)
NOTE: The most recent year's information is shown below. Click on the year to see all years for this indicator. COMMUNICATION2021 4,818,000 Mobile cellular subscriptions2021 32 Individuals using the...

Papua New Guinea - Languages without the Bible
· Type: Maps · Map Date: 2020 · Data Sources: GMMS 2017, WLMS v. 19 2016, YWAM · Collection: Map Collections :: Projects 2020 · Size: 11 x 14 inches, landscape · Categories:...

Papua New Guinea - Languages without the Bible - Inset
· Type: Maps · Map Date: 2020 · Data Sources: GMMS 2017, WLMS v. 19 2016, YWAM · Collection: Map Collections :: Projects 2020 · Size: 11 x 14 inches, landscape · Categories:...

Papua New Guinea - North Central Bible Translation Status
·Type: Maps ·Map Date: 2005 ·Data Source: Bible Translation Needs Database; World Language Mapping System ·Producer: GMI ·Collection: Projects 2005 ·Size: 8½ by 11 inches, portrait...

Papua New Guinea - North Central Bible Translation Status
·Type: Maps ·Map Date: 2005 ·Data Source: Bible Translation Needs Database; World Language Mapping System ·Producer: GMI ·Collection: Projects 2005 ·Size: 8½ by 11 inches, portrait...

Papua New Guinea - North East Bible Translation Status
·Type: Maps ·Map Date: 2005 ·Data Source: Bible Translation Needs Database; World Language Mapping System ·Producer: GMI ·Collection: Projects 2005 ·Size: 8½ by 11 inches, landscape...

Papua New Guinea - North West Bible Translation Status
·Type: Maps ·Map Date: 2005 ·Data Source: Bible Translation Needs Database; World Language Mapping System ·Producer: GMI ·Collection: Projects 2005 ·Size: 8½ by 11 inches, portrait...

Papua New Guinea flag
·Type: Images ·Collection: World Factbook country flags ·Small size: 74 x 54 px ·Large size: 411 x 302 px ·Categories: Collection :: World Factbook country flags Country :: Papua New Guinea Partners :: U.S....

Papua New Guinea map (World Factbook)
·Type: Maps ·Description: Papua New Guinea (Factbook) ·Map Date: 2007 ·Producer: US Government ·Collection: World Factbook country maps ·Size: 633x323 px, landscape ·Categories: Type :: Maps...

Papua New Guinea map (World Factbook, modified)
·Type: Maps ·Description: Papua New Guinea (World Factbook, modified to add country name) ·Map Date: 2007 ·Producer: US Government modified by Joshua Project ·Collection: World Factbook country maps ·Size:...

Abaga in Papua New Guinea (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Significantly ReachedPopulation: 200 Affinity Bloc: Pacific Islanders People Cluster: Wagama People Name Across Countries: Abaga Primary Religion: Christianity Percent Adherents:...

Abasakur in Papua New Guinea (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Significantly ReachedPopulation: 2,300 Affinity Bloc: Pacific Islanders People Cluster: Pal People Name Across Countries: Abasakur Primary Religion: Christianity Percent...

Abau, Green River in Papua New Guinea (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Significantly ReachedPopulation: 11,000 Affinity Bloc: Pacific Islanders People Cluster: Abau People Name Across Countries: Abau Primary Religion: Christianity Percent Adherents:...

Abie in Papua New Guinea (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Significantly ReachedPopulation: 1,600 Affinity Bloc: Pacific Islanders People Cluster: Aneme Wake People Name Across Countries: Abie Primary Religion: Christianity Percent...

Adjora in Papua New Guinea (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Significantly ReachedPopulation: 8,200 Affinity Bloc: Pacific Islanders People Cluster: Abu People Name Across Countries: Adjora Primary Religion: Christianity Percent Adherents:...

Adzera in Papua New Guinea (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Significantly ReachedPopulation: 56,000 Affinity Bloc: Pacific Islanders People Cluster: Adzera People Name Across Countries: Adzera Primary Religion: Christianity Percent...

Aeka in Papua New Guinea (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Significantly ReachedPopulation: 5,700 Affinity Bloc: Pacific Islanders People Cluster: Aeka People Name Across Countries: Aeka Primary Religion: Christianity Percent Adherents:...

Agala, Sinale in Papua New Guinea (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Partially ReachedPopulation: 1,000 Affinity Bloc: Pacific Islanders People Cluster: Fembe People Name Across Countries: Agala Primary Religion: Ethnic Religions Percent...

Agarabi in Papua New Guinea (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Significantly ReachedPopulation: 53,000 Affinity Bloc: Pacific Islanders People Cluster: Agarabi People Name Across Countries: Agarabi Primary Religion: Christianity Percent...

Agi, Metru in Papua New Guinea (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Significantly ReachedPopulation: 1,700 Affinity Bloc: Pacific Islanders People Cluster: Agi People Name Across Countries: Agi Primary Religion: Christianity Percent Adherents:...

Agob, Upiala-Bituri in Papua New Guinea (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Significantly ReachedPopulation: 4,800 Affinity Bloc: Pacific Islanders People Cluster: Agob People Name Across Countries: Agob Primary Religion: Christianity Percent Adherents:...

Aighon in Papua New Guinea (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Significantly ReachedPopulation: 3,600 Affinity Bloc: Pacific Islanders People Cluster: Aighon People Name Across Countries: Aighon Primary Religion: Christianity Percent...

Aiklep, Loko in Papua New Guinea (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Significantly ReachedPopulation: 12,000 Affinity Bloc: Pacific Islanders People Cluster: Gimi People Name Across Countries: Aiklep, Loko Primary Religion: Christianity Percent...

Aiku, Menandon in Papua New Guinea (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Significantly ReachedPopulation: 1,400 Affinity Bloc: Pacific Islanders People Cluster: Yangum Mon People Name Across Countries: Aiku Primary Religion: Christianity Percent...

Aimele in Papua New Guinea (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Minimally ReachedPopulation: 300 Affinity Bloc: Pacific Islanders People Cluster: Eibela People Name Across Countries: Aimele Primary Religion: Ethnic Religions Percent...

Ainbai in Papua New Guinea (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Significantly ReachedPopulation: 200 Affinity Bloc: Pacific Islanders People Cluster: Ainbai People Name Across Countries: Ainbai Primary Religion: Christianity Percent...