
(image for) Animism/Tribalism/Ancestor Worship (Prayercast)

Animism/Tribalism/Ancestor Worship (Prayercast)

Jesus loves Animists. While millions across the globe live in fear of the spirit world, Jesus holds all power and authority and His love casts out all fear. For more information go to Animism/Tribalism/Ancestor Worship on the Prayercast website. The...
(image for) Percent Animist

Percent Animist

·Type: Maps ·Description: Country level divisions of the percent Animist ·Map Date: 2000 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: General World Maps (WV 2002) ·Size: 8½ x 11 Inches,...
(image for) Percent Animist 1960 and 2010

Percent Animist 1960 and 2010

· Type: Maps · Map Date: 2019 · Data Source: Operation World 2010 DVD-ROM and Pray for the World. · Partners: Operation World/GMI, LightSys Technology Services · Collection: Projects 2019...
(image for) The World's Animist Population

The World's Animist Population

·Type: Maps ·Map Date: 2006 ·Data Source: Patrick Johnstone, Operation World 2001 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: General World Maps (GMMS 2007) ·Size: 8½ x 11 inches, landscape...
(image for) Untitled 24 / Brazil

Untitled 24 / Brazil

·Type: Images ·Collection: YWAM-John Fries ·Categories: Country :: Brazil Topic :: Religions, General :: Traditional/Animist Collection :: YWAM-John Fries Partners :: YWAM-John Fries Topic :: Images: Country :: Brazil Type ::...
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