Lausanne Global Classroom
The Lausanne Global Classroom connects emerging evangelical leaders and the global church to key issues in global mission today. Each Classroom episode consists of a series of short video segments totaling about 45 minutes and is supplemented by a User Guide, which contains discussion questions, suggested activities and assignments, further reading, and academic syllabus. Lausanne Global Classroom episodes are easily adaptable for small group, individual, church or educational settings.
The goals of the Arts network are to catalyze and call artists back to the service of the church in global mission through their specialized, God-designed creative imagination, intelligence, and artistic abilities and gifts; to equip artists...
Church Planting
This episode of the Lausanne Global Classroom examines the gospel issue of church planting. Central to the mission of God is the planting of the church. ‘I will build my church and all the powers of hell will not conquer it’ (Matt 16:18 NLT)....
Creation Care
Stewardship of God’s creation (creation care) is a clear biblical command and an integral part of what it means to follow Jesus as Lord. “If Jesus is Lord of all the earth, we cannot separate our relationship to Christ from how we act in...
The first Global Classroom episode focuses on diaspora, a global phenomenon that has marked the 21st century. Today, more than ever before, people are on the move, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, and for various reasons—terrorism, economic...
Disability Concerns
Ministry among disabled persons is fundamentally ministry to people. People with disabilities are businessmen, professionals and pastors; they struggle and need counsel; many are children at risk. People with disabilities need the gospel. Neglecting...
Health for All Nations
The Lausanne Global Classroom examines the gospel issue of health for all nations. One of the greatest challenges facing the Church is to address the need of people everywhere to live lives of health and wholeness (shalom). This was at the very...
Integrity and Anti-Corruption
This episode of the Lausanne Global Classroom examines the issue of integrity and anti-corruption among leaders in politics, business, government, and the church. The call to personal integrity is about bringing the whole of life into alignment with...
International Student Ministry
Students and scholars from other countries represent the future leadership and influencers of the world, therefore ISM is one of the greatest opportunities and strategies for global mission with the least amount of financial investment. ISM provides...
Jewish Evangelism
Today less than two percent of Jews in the world believe Jesus to be Israel’s Messiah. Jewish evangelism is an essential part of world evangelism. If Jesus is not the Messiah for all, he is not the Messiah at all. For different reasons, many...
Lausanne Global Classroom: Research and Strategic Information
Youtube playlist contains: How Data Informs Christian MissionThe Biblical Foundation for Christian ResearchListening Builds Research Informing RelationshipsExploring Different Types of Christian ResearchThe Influence of Research on MissionResearch...
Leadership Development
Leadership development is an important aspect of personal and societal transformation. It engages leaders in changing systems, structures, and people. Leadership development should not be confined inside church walls but should go beyond so that the...
Media and Technology
This Classroom episode is on the interplay of Media and Technology and their impact on global evangelism and the church. Many Christians in the West are so accustomed to a media-saturated culture and readily available technology that they often take...
Mental Health and Trauma
The global church is beginning to recognize that mental health and trauma issues must be a major ministry priority. Mental health problems are usually the result of a combination of many factors, including family environment, biology, personality,...
Ministry Fundraising
The goals of this episode are to introduce ministry fundraising; to explore biblical, theological, and spiritual aspects of ministry fundraising; and to suggest best practices and next steps for young leaders, established leaders, churches,...
Nominalism is a problem that is as old as Christianity itself. It means to be identified with a religion in name only. People may self-identify as a member of a religion or belief system, but not live out the tenets of that faith. This happens among...
North Korea
North Korea often makes headlines these days for its human rights abuses, nuclear proliferation, and persecution of Christians. The news tends to portray the North as an ‘Axis of Evil’, but there is much more to this country and the divided...
Proclamation Evangelism
This episode of the Lausanne Global Classroom examines the gospel issue of proclamation evangelism. The direct preaching of the gospel, with proper preparation and follow-up, is at the heart of true evangelism. It engages the spiritual gift and...
Research and Strategic Information
This episode of the Lausanne Global Classroom is on Strategic Information and Research, a critically important aspect for mission. Strategic information is obtained and conducted through research in many ways, from local neighborhood engagement to...
Wealth Creation
The goals of this episode are to explain wealth creation, to highlight the importance of wealth creation for global Christianity and the church, and to inspire young leaders, established leaders, churches, organizations, and individuals so they...
Workplace Ministry
In June 2019 in Manila, Philippines, the Lausanne Global Workplace Forum brought together more than 900 workplace leaders from around the world to discuss how the workplace can function as a place of outreach and ministry. The workplace has greatly...