CMIW Global

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Community of Mission Information Workers Information for Christian mission. Data, research, knowledge, wisdom: all for Christian mission. If you are interested, this site is for you, and you don’t have to be a trained expert. Some people in our community gather data and information, some store it, others visualize it, many use it, all are learners.

(image for) 2022 MIW Conference

2022 MIW Conference

The purpose of the conference is to accelerate the development of the mission information community. Day 1-1 - WelcomeDay 1-2 Biblical foundations of MIWorkDay 1-3 History of MIWDay 1-4 Panel Discussion & QuestionsDay 1-5 How We Fund Mission...
(image for) 2023 MIW Conference

2023 MIW Conference

The 2nd virtual Mission Information Workers Conference to accelerate the development of mission information and the mission information community. Sponsored by the Community of Mission Information Workers (CMIW), Lausanne Research & Strategic...
(image for) Lausanne Global Classroom: Research and Strategic Information

Lausanne Global Classroom: Research and Strategic Information

Youtube playlist contains: How Data Informs Christian MissionThe Biblical Foundation for Christian ResearchListening Builds Research Informing RelationshipsExploring Different Types of Christian ResearchThe Influence of Research on MissionResearch...
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