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Korea Research Institute for Missions

(image for) Current Mission Trends (KRIM)

Current Mission Trends (KRIM)

Journal of scholarly nature dealing with missionary issues Shortcut to search within Hyundai Missions includes: No. 25 World Christianity and Mission [New Publication]No. 24 Missional Bible ReadingNo. 23 Women and MissionsNo. 22 Refugee MissionNo....
(image for) Korea Mission Research Institute (KRIM)

Korea Mission Research Institute (KRIM)

In the rapidly changing world environment and mission situation, we collect information necessary for missions quickly and accurately and develop effective strategies. Includes links to Training & Seminar, Missionary Trend; Publication; Missionary...
(image for) Pavalma Plus (KRIM)

Pavalma Plus (KRIM)

A prayer information magazine that has provided various news and information on the mission field since December 1991. In Korean, translate into your language, images don't translate. For more information go to Pavalma Plus on the KRIM website. The...
(image for) Periodicals (KRIM)

Periodicals (KRIM)

Includes In my local dialect (GBT) Mission Studies (GMTC) China to the Lord (Chinese Literature Mission) for years as far back as 1985. In Korean, translate into your language, images don't translate. For more information go to periodicals on the...
(image for) World Mission Statistics (KRIM)

World Mission Statistics (KRIM)

Includes Statistics Related Searches and articles In Korean, translate into your language, images don't translate. For more information go to World Mission Statistics on the KRIM website. The above link opens in a new tab.
(image for) World Missionary Prayer (KRIM)

World Missionary Prayer (KRIM)

For world evangelization , we deliver the news of religion, philosophy, politics, economy, environment, and medical care taking place among continents, countries, and peoples around the world, and through this, we provide basic data for mission...
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