International Mission Board SBC

A generic image

(image for) Church Planting Movements (IMB)

Church Planting Movements (IMB)

In 1998, the International Mission Board’s Overseas Leadership Team adopted a vision statement: We will facilitate the lost coming to saving faith in Jesus Christ by beginning and nurturing Church Planting Movements among all peoples. This...
(image for) Frequently Asked Questions (IMB)

Frequently Asked Questions (IMB)

Questions such as: Who is Global Research?What is a people group?What is the Global Status of Evangelical Christianity?Why does the Global Status of Evangelical Christianity emphasize church planting?What is an Unreached People Group?What do you...
(image for) Global Research (IMB)

Global Research (IMB)

Includes Featured Resources and Global Status of Evangelical Christianity graph. Featured Resources contains items like: Progress Toward Engaging Unreached Peoples Unengaged Unreached People Groups Church Planting Movements What is a People Group?...
(image for) Map Resources (IMB)

Map Resources (IMB)

Downloadable resources (and sometimes an interactive map) for: Progress Toward Engaging Unreached Peoples Global Status of Evangelical Christianity Understanding Affinity Groups Unengaged Unreached People Groups Plus several other links. For more...
(image for) Mapping Resources (IMB)

Mapping Resources (IMB)

Download print ready PDF maps and presentation ready PowerPoints or explore a variety of interactive maps. These include Affinity Groups, Progress / Global Status of Evangelical Christianity, Unengaged Unreached People Groups, and An online gallery...
(image for) Media (IMB)

Media (IMB)

Media includes Photo Library, Video Gallery and Missions History Podcast The above links open in a new tab.
(image for) Newsroom (IMB)

Newsroom (IMB)

Contains news by Type or Topic. Type includes: Press Release, President’s Desk, From the Field, and In Memoriam. Topic includes: Praying, Giving, Going, Sending, Lottie Moon, Reports, Healthcare, Trustees, and Relief Ministry. For more...
(image for) People Group Research (IMB)

People Group Research (IMB)

Researching a people group requires patience, imagination, creativity, and a lot of hard work. Learn the basic process of people group research using these resources. Included are: People Profile guide Field Research Guide Advocacy Brochure Country...
(image for) People Group Research References (IMB)

People Group Research References (IMB)

Downloadable references including: World View Survey, Country Profile, People Profile For more information go to People Group Research References on the Global Research/IMB website. The above link opens in a new tab.
(image for) People Groups (IMB)

People Groups (IMB)

Reliable, relevant and realtime information to help you engage unreached people groups around the world. Explore, Understand, Connect, Act>What Is A People Group?...
(image for) Research (IMB)

Research (IMB)

Research is an important part of the work of missions. Understanding the peoples and places among which we are working is key to doing so effectively, and the International Mission Board has a long history of engaging in various types of research...
(image for) Research Archives and Records (IMB)

Research Archives and Records (IMB)

The International Mission Board provides archives and records management services to researchers and staff for the study of Southern Baptist missions history. Our Mission: Preservation The mission of the archives and records service is to identify,...
(image for) Research Data (IMB)

Research Data (IMB)

Research Data (IMB) Monthly updates of the Global Status of Evangelical Christianity (GSEC). For more information go to Research Data on the PeopleGroups website. The above link opens in a new tab.
(image for) Research Data (IMB)

Research Data (IMB)

Contains Datasets and map/graphs. Datasets are downloadable and include: GSEC Overview GSEC Listing Of Unreached People Groups GSEC listing of UUPG GSEC listing of People Groups GSEC listing of Unengaged Unreached People Groups GSEC Field...
(image for) Research Links (IMB)

Research Links (IMB)

The list does not constitute an endorsement or support for the organizations that maintain the Web pages reached through the links; neither does it indicate a verification of the accuracy of, or agreement with, information contained therein....
(image for) Training Resources (IMB)

Training Resources (IMB)

Preparing people for mission. As intimidating as it may seem, God actually calls local churches to prepare people for mission. IMB Training equips churches with essential tools for raising up faithful cross-cultural workers. So much of missionary...
(image for) Trends and Issues (IMB)

Trends and Issues (IMB)

Includes articles such as: Affinity Blocs and People Clusters: An Approach Toward Strategic Insight and Mission Partnership by Patrick Johnstone What is a People Group by Orville Boyd Jenkins The Global Status of Evangelical Christianity: A Model...
(image for) Understand (IMB)

Understand (IMB)

Contains graphs with an Affinity Overview and World Religions. And also has links to : People Group Research, Mapping Resources, Trends and Issues, Church Planting Movements, Research Data, Frequently Asked Questions For more information go to...
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