Operation World/GMI

(image for) 11 Affinity Blocs and the 10/40 Window

11 Affinity Blocs and the 10/40 Window

·Type: Maps ·Description: Affinty Blocs in World ·Map Date: 2001 ·Producer: Operation World, Global Mapping International ·Size: 8½ x 11 Inches, landscape ·Categories: Type :: Maps Topic :: Concepts...
(image for) Pentecostal Percentage 1960 and 2010

Pentecostal Percentage 1960 and 2010

· Type: Maps · Map Date: 2019 · Data Source: Operation World 2010 DVD-ROM and Pray for the World · Partners: Operation World/GMI, LightSys Technology Services · Collection: Projects 2019...
(image for) Percent Evangelical 1960 and 2010

Percent Evangelical 1960 and 2010

· Type: Maps · Map Date: 2018 · Data Source: Operation World 2010 DVD-ROM and Pray for the World · Partners: Operation World/GMI, LightSys Technology Services · Collection: Projects 2018...
(image for) State of the Gospel Presentation (YLG 2006)

State of the Gospel Presentation (YLG 2006)

·Type: Maps ·Description: Jason Mandryk's State of the Gospel presentation from the 2006 Younger Leader's Gathering (YLG) in Malysia. Video, Audio, and PowerPoint versions of the presentation are available. ·Date: 2006...
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