Research resources from and for missional Christian leaders


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Is Your Audience Understanding Your Message? (Missio Nexus)

Is Your Audience Understanding Your Message? (Missio Nexus)

As we reach out with God’s Word, we all seek to be understood. But are we making assumptions about how people engage with and process information? If you are reading this copy, what are your assumptions about the literacy of those you are trying to reach globally? For more information go to Is Your Audience Understanding Your Message? on the Mission Nexus website. The above link opens in a new tab.

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Las 40 regiones del mundo más marginadas y no alcanzadas que nec

Las 40 regiones del mundo más marginadas y no alcanzadas que nec

Por lo general, cuando se piensa en “la selección de 40” lo que viene a la mente es una lista de las mejores canciones u otros elementos populares que son buscados y apreciados. En un sentido, estos lugares no son diferentes. Dios es un apasionado de llegar a cada uno de estos lugares porque Él ama a las personas que viven allí. Pero en otro sentido es un poco diferente. Estos 40 lugares no están recibiendo la mayor parte de nuestra atención y esfuerzo. ¿Cómo podemos poner la misma...

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Las Culturas en Colores - Luz de Dios (Missio Nexus)

Las Culturas en Colores - Luz de Dios (Missio Nexus)

Pasamos mucho tiempo tratando de entender diferencias entre las culturas. Pero ¿cuál es el objetivo final? Cuanto más aprendamos sobre otras culturas, mejor podremos relumbrar el amor de Dios. También, a medida que veamos a Dios a través de nuestra propia perspectiva cultural, y nos comuniquemos con personas de otras culturas; ¡comenzaremos a ver el mundo como Dios lo ve! Explore las tres perspectivas culturales y tome un momento para extender esta importante investigación, tomando la...

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Mapa de la Operación Muro Mundo

Mapa de la Operación Muro Mundo

Disponible en francés, inglés, portugués y ruso. Este mapa en español de colores (60.96 cm por 91.44 cm) destaca información y estadística encontrada en Operación Muro Mundo y en Ora por el Mundo . El mapa principal incluye el porcentaje de Cristianos en los 30 países más grandes, el número de los pueblos menos-alcanzados en cada país, y el porcentaje de Cristianos por provincia de la China y de la India. ·Type: Maps ·Map Date: 2019 ·Categories: Collection ::...

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Mapa Intercessão Mundial

Mapa Intercessão Mundial

Disponível em inglês, francês, russo e et espanhol. Este mapa do mundo em cores do tamanho de 60,96 cm x 91,44 cm destaca as informações dos livros Intercessão Mundial (7ª edição - 2010) e Ore pelas Nações . O mapa principal mostra a porcentagem de evangélicos por país. Os mapas inseridos também mostram a porcentagem de cristãos nos 30 maiores países, o número de povos menos alcançados por país e a porcentagem de cristãos na China e na Índia por província. ·Type:...

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Middle East Call To Prayer (Missio Nexus)

Middle East Call To Prayer (Missio Nexus)

What is your first reaction when the Middle East is mentioned on the news or in conversation? Many of us around the world donÕt know what to think of the great struggles and tragedies going on in this part of the world. In the face of persecution, violence, joblessness, inequality and political instability, the first response of a believer should be prayer. For more information go to Middle East Call To Prayer on the Mission Nexus website. The above link opens in a new tab.

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Mission CEOs Survey (Missio Nexus)

Mission CEOs Survey (Missio Nexus)

What are the challenges and opportunities that confront CEOs of ministries? One hundred and sixty mission CEOs were surveyed and have offered their perspective on the biggest and most important areas they face personally and organizationally. This Missiographic explores and highlights key data insights from the full published report. For more information go to Mission CEOs Survey on the Mission Nexus website. The above link opens in a new tab.

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Mission Motives (Missio Nexus)

Mission Motives (Missio Nexus)

As you read this brief report, the facts will testify to themselves: God calls and His people respond. With worldly wisdom this simply is difficult to understand. But under the power of His Holy Spirit, God moves His people to do things that simply don’t make sense humanly speaking. When God calls His people, selfless service is rendered to our King for the advancement of His Kingdom. For more information go to Mission Motives on the Mission Nexus website. The above link opens in a new...

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Mission Networks (Missio Nexus)

Mission Networks (Missio Nexus)

Networks are becoming one of the fastest growing platforms for leaders and practitioners to connect in the global missions community. These networks are leading to the discovery of best practices, new means of sharing information, and cooperative action for the sake of gospel proclamation to the ends of the earth. For more information go to Mission Networks on the Mission Nexus website. The above link opens in a new tab.

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Mission Staffing and Financing (Missio Nexus)

Mission Staffing and Financing (Missio Nexus)

The recent release of the North American Mission Handbook includes data on both staffing and finances for agencies in the US and Canada. As a collective, agencies have remained stable in their sending of missionaries and finances. As can be expected, there were significant changes within individual organizations. This new Missiographic provides an overview of the current status of staffing and finances for the North American movement. For more information go to Mission Staffing and Financing on...

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New Harvesters (Missio Nexus)

New Harvesters (Missio Nexus)

Every day new people around the world are being mobilized onto God’s mission in various ways. They are increasingly coming from countries where the Church is growing the fastest. Explore some of these new Harvesters and do the math to see the mobilization potential of your country! For more information go to New Harvesters on the Mission Nexus website. The above link opens in a new tab.

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Nossa Âncora em um mundo à deriva (Missio Nexus)

Nossa Âncora em um mundo à deriva (Missio Nexus)

Todos os dias quando acordamos uma nova crise ou agitação parece estar esperando por nós. Mas com nossa âncora em Jesus, os crentes têm a esperança de que podemos prosperar mesmo nestes mares tempestuosos. Explore as 7 estatísticas que dão uma imagem desta era muito tumultuada em que vivemos, mas, ao mesmo tempo, prepare-se para fortalecer sua esperança em Jesus e chegar, em amor, àqueles que estão sofrendo. For more information go to Nossa Âncora em um mundo à deriva on the...

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Notre ancre dans un monde à la dérive

Notre ancre dans un monde à la dérive

Découvrons 7 statistiques à connaître pour servir le Roi. Pratiquement chaque matin au réveil, une nouvelle crise ou un bouleversement nous attend. Mais en tant que chrétiens, Jésus est notre ancre. Nous pouvons donc avancer avec assurance, même lorsque la mer est démontée. Découvrez ces 7 statistiques qui vous donneront un aperçu de l’époque troublée que nous vivons, tout en vous encourageant à fortifier votre espérance en Jésus et à manifester de l’amour à celles...

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Nuestro ancla en un mundo a la deriva (Missio Nexus)

Nuestro ancla en un mundo a la deriva (Missio Nexus)

Todos los días, cuando despertamos, parece que nos espera una nueva crisis o agitación. Pero con nuestra ancla en Jesús, los creyentes tienen la esperanza de que podemos salir a flote incluso en estos mares tempestuosos. Explore 7 estadísticas que dan una imagen de esta época muy tumultuosa en la que vivimos, pero al mismo tiempo lo prepara para fortalecer su esperanza en Jesús y alcanzar en amor a aquellos que están sufriendo. For more information go to Nuestro ancla en un mundo a la...

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On Mission in a Moving World (Missio Nexus)

On Mission in a Moving World (Missio Nexus)

Today people are on the move across the globe in unprecedented ways. Do you understand their movements? What is motivating them to leave everything behind? What are the implications for the places they are going? Explore these questions with us. For more information go to On Mission in a Moving World on the Mission Nexus website. The above link opens in a new tab.

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Our Anchor in a World Adrift (Missio Nexus)

Our Anchor in a World Adrift (Missio Nexus)

7 Stats You Need to Know to Serve the King. These are turbulent times and it is hard to stay firmly grounded with the constant waves of change. These 7 Stats will paint a picture of the world today and help you thrive in ministry to those seeking a firm foundation. Explore the 2016 edition of our 7 Stats You Need to Know to Serve the King Missiographic. In English, French, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish. For more information go to Our Anchor in a World Adrift on the Mission Nexus website. The...

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Por que a assistência gratuita? (Missio Nexus)

Por que a assistência gratuita? (Missio Nexus)

Você já percebeu que 75% da população do mundo vive com altas restrições em suas práticas religiosas? Perseguição não é uma questão marginal e não é relegada àqueles que sofrem por Cristo em uma prisão distante. Perseguição é uma realidade diária para bilhões e é uma característica definidora da nossa fé cristã. Explore as quatro lentes sobre perseguição que irão abrir os seus olhos. For more information go to Por que a assistência gratuita? on the Mission Nexus...

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Pourquoi les gens libres devraient-ils s’en soucier ?

Pourquoi les gens libres devraient-ils s’en soucier ?

Saviez-vous que plus de 75% de la population mondiale vit avec de fortes restrictions sur leur pratique de la religion ? La persécution n’est pas un problème marginal et elle n’est pas non plus reléguée à ceux qui souffrent pour le Christ dans une prison lointaine. La persécution est une réalité quotidienne pour des milliards de personnes et elle est une caractéristique déterminante de notre foi chrétienne. Explorez ces quatre points qui vont ouvrir vos yeux sur la...

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Primary Activities of Mission Organizations (Missio Nexus)

Primary Activities of Mission Organizations (Missio Nexus)

As you read this brief report, the facts will testify to themselves: God calls and His people respond. With worldly wisdom this simply is difficult to understand. But under the power of His Holy Spirit, God moves His people to do things that simply don’t make sense humanly speaking. When God calls His people, selfless service is rendered to our King for the advancement of His Kingdom. For more information go to Primary Activities of Mission Organizations on the Mission Nexus website. The...

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Redes de Misión (Missio Nexus)

Redes de Misión (Missio Nexus)

Las redes se están convirtiendo en una de las plataformas de más rápido crecimiento para que los líderes y profesionales se conecten en la comunidad misionera global. Estas redes están llevando al descubrimiento de mejores prácticas, nuevos medios para compartir información y acciones de cooperación para la proclamación del evangelio hasta los confines de la tierra. For more information go to Redes de Misión on the Mission Nexus website. The above link opens in a new tab.

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Research that Leads to Action (Missio Nexus)

Research that Leads to Action (Missio Nexus)

Research information, no matter how accurate or extensive, can never be the “silver bullet” to complete the mission task, but ignorance is never an advantage. Thank God for these amazingly researched resources, pray for those who continue to refine them, and use them so you know where you should go and what to do when you get there. For more information go to Research that Leads to Action on the Mission Nexus website. The above link opens in a new tab.

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Resourcing the Mission with Living Water (Missio Nexus)

Resourcing the Mission with Living Water (Missio Nexus)

Have you ever thought about how much of your regular giving goes to see those who have not heard learn about the Water of Life? While other ministries are very important and deserve our support, we should be attentive to our support of those who have not yet heard the Gospel. For more information go to Resourcing the Mission with Living Water on the Mission Nexus website. The above link opens in a new tab.

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Sharing Your Christian Faith with Muslims (Missio Nexus)

Sharing Your Christian Faith with Muslims (Missio Nexus)

As you seek to share your faith with Muslims in your community or around the world, what do you need to understand? What attitude do you bring to your engagement with Muslims around you? This infographic that GMI developed for ABWE’s Muslim Ministries will help you engage. For more information go to Sharing Your Christian Faith with Muslims on the Mission Nexus website. The above link opens in a new tab.

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Singapore (Missio Nexus)

Singapore (Missio Nexus)

Unique Qualities for Great Commission Impact 31799 Few places have the innovation and diversity of Singapore. But how has that translated into mission opportunity? Learn more about Singapore, how it is positioned to engage in mission and the status of its mission movement. For more information go to Singapore on the Mission Nexus website. The above link opens in a new tab.

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Stepping Beyond the Tents (Missio Nexus)

Stepping Beyond the Tents (Missio Nexus)

Every 4 seconds someone is forced to flee their home. These refugees are vulnerable and without long-term options. Many struggle in significant ways. A few break through and start a new life. Get to know their situation and how you can help as you step beyond the tents. For more information go to Stepping Beyond the Tents on the Mission Nexus website. The above link opens in a new tab.

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