Intro to Mission (WorldVue 2002)

Includes black and white versions of maps and chart.

(image for) Bible Translation Status of Cameroon

Bible Translation Status of Cameroon

·Type: Maps ·Description: Translations of the Bible in Cameroon ·Map Date: 1999 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Intro to Mission (WorldVue 2002) ·Size: 8½ x 11 Inches, portrait...
(image for) Bible Translation Status of Cameroon (BW)

Bible Translation Status of Cameroon (BW)

·Type: Maps ·Description: Bible Translation Status of languages in Cameroon ·Map Date: 2002 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Intro to Mission (WorldVue 2002) ·Size: 8½ x 11...
(image for) Evangelical Growth Rate (BW)

Evangelical Growth Rate (BW)

·Type: Maps ·Map Date: 2001 ·Data Source: Operation World ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Intro to Mission (WorldVue 2002) ·Size: 8½ x 11 Inches, landscape ·Categories:...
(image for) Far East Broadcasting Company - Responses from China 1999 (BW)

Far East Broadcasting Company - Responses from China 1999 (BW)

·Type: Maps ·Description: Responses from China in 1999 to the Far East Broadcasting Company ·Map Date: 2002 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Intro to Mission (WorldVue 2002) ·Size:...
(image for) Far East Broadcasting Company - Responses from China, 1999

Far East Broadcasting Company - Responses from China, 1999

·Type: Maps ·Description: Responses from China in 1999 to the Far East Broadcasting Company ·Map Date: 1999 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Intro to Mission (WorldVue 2002) ·Size:...
(image for) Human Suffering Index

Human Suffering Index

·Type: Maps ·Description: Index of Human Suffering Worldwide ·Map Date: 1992 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Intro to Mission (WorldVue 2002) ·Size: 8½ x 11 Inches, landscape...
(image for) Human Suffering Index (BW)

Human Suffering Index (BW)

·Type: Maps ·Description: Index of Human Suffering Worldwide ·Map Date: 2002 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Intro to Mission (WorldVue 2002) ·Size: 8½ x 11 Inches, landscape...
(image for) Mexico City - Population per Church

Mexico City - Population per Church

·Type: Maps ·Description: Population per church in Mexico City ·Map Date: 1986 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Intro to Mission (WorldVue 2002) ·Size: 8½ x 11 Inches, portrait...
(image for) Mexico City - Population per Church (BW)

Mexico City - Population per Church (BW)

·Type: Maps ·Description: Population per church in Mexico City ·Map Date: 2002 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Intro to Mission (WorldVue 2002) ·Size: 8½ x 11 Inches, portrait...
(image for) Percent and Growth Rate of Evangelicals

Percent and Growth Rate of Evangelicals

·Type: Maps ·Description: Evangelical percent and Growth Rate ·Map Date: 2001 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Intro to Mission (WorldVue 2002) ·Size: 8½ x 11 Inches, landscape...
(image for) Percent Evangelical (BW)

Percent Evangelical (BW)

·Type: Maps ·Map Date: 2000 ·Data Source: Operation World ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Intro to Mission (WorldVue 2002) ·Size: 8½ x 11 Inches, landscape ·Categories:...
(image for) Percent of Population Unchurched in USA by State

Percent of Population Unchurched in USA by State

·Type: Maps ·Description: Percent of the population unchurched in USA by state levels ·Map Date: 1990 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Intro to Mission (WorldVue 2002) ·Size: 8½ x...
(image for) Percent of Population Unchurched in USA by State (BW)

Percent of Population Unchurched in USA by State (BW)

·Type: Maps ·Description: Percent of the population unchurched in USA by state levels ·Map Date: 2002 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Intro to Mission (WorldVue 2002) ·Size: 8½ x...
(image for) Population: 2000 and 2010 - Ten Largest Countries

Population: 2000 and 2010 - Ten Largest Countries

·Type: Maps ·Description: Ten Largest contries in 2000 and 2010 ·Map Date: 2001 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Intro to Mission (WorldVue 2002) ·Size: 8½ x 11 Inches, landscape...
(image for) Population: 2000 and 2010 - Ten Largest Countries (BW)

Population: 2000 and 2010 - Ten Largest Countries (BW)

·Type: Maps ·Description: Ten Largest contries in 2000 and 2010 ·Map Date: 2002 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Intro to Mission (WorldVue 2002) ·Size: 8½ x 11 Inches, landscape...
(image for) The "JESUS" Film

The "JESUS" Film

·Type: Maps ·Description: Translations of The "JESUS" Film ·Map Date: 2001 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Intro to Mission (WorldVue 2002) ·Size: 8½ x 11 Inches, landscape...
(image for) The "JESUS" Film (BW)

The "JESUS" Film (BW)

·Type: Maps ·Description: Translations of The "JESUS" Film ·Map Date: 2002 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Intro to Mission (WorldVue 2002) ·Size: 8½ x 11 Inches, landscape...
(image for) Three Religious Blocks & The 10/40 Window

Three Religious Blocks & The 10/40 Window

·Type: Maps ·Description: 3 Religious Blocks in the 10/40 Window ·Map Date: 2001 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Intro to Mission (WorldVue 2002) ·Size: 8½ x 11 Inches, landscape...
(image for) Three Religious Blocks & The 10/40 Window (BW)

Three Religious Blocks & The 10/40 Window (BW)

·Type: Maps ·Description: 3 Religious Blocks in the 10/40 Window ·Map Date: 2001 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Intro to Mission (WorldVue 2002) ·Size: 8½ x 11 Inches, landscape...
(image for) Twelve Unevangelized Population Complexes

Twelve Unevangelized Population Complexes

·Type: Maps ·Description: Twelve Unevangelized Population Complex ·Map Date: 1990 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Intro to Mission (WorldVue 2002) ·Size: 8½ x 11 Inches,...
(image for) Twelve Unevangelized Population Complexes (BW)

Twelve Unevangelized Population Complexes (BW)

·Type: Maps ·Description: Twelve Unevangelized Population Complex ·Map Date: 2002 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Intro to Mission (WorldVue 2002) ·Size: 8½ x 11 Inches,...
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