Modern, Postmodern and Christian

It is widely acknowledged that the first context – located in western countries and among westernised elites in the two-thirds world – has been to a large extent determined by the thought processes described by the words ‘modernity’ and ‘postmodernity’.
In The Gravedigger File, Os Guinness argues that by facilitating the development of science and technology in the west, the Christian world view made possible the emergence of the modern world, but that consequently Christianity was subverted by the culture which it helped to create.
Lesslie Newbigin has called western churches to embark on a long-term mission to their culture. This book is designed to be a tool for this missionary task. For this reason it suggests ways forward as well as offering analyses. And we hope the inclusion of questions for study groups will help to earth this mission in the grass roots life of the churches.
For more information go to Modern, Postmodern and Christian on the Lausanne Movement website.
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This product was added to our catalog on Monday 18 November, 2024.

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