Faroe Islands (WorldBank)

NOTE: The most recent year's information is shown below. Click on the year to see all years for this indicator.

2021  59,213  Mobile cellular subscriptions
2017  98  Individuals using the Internet (% of population)
2021  71.8  Final consumption expenditure (% of GDP)
2021  100  Gross national expenditure (% of GDP)
2011  29  Gross savings (% of GDP)
2013  4.0  Unemployment, total (% of total labor force) (national estimate)
2021  13  Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people)
2021  8  Death rate, crude (per 1,000 people)
2021  86  Life expectancy at birth, female (years)
2021  83  Life expectancy at birth, total (years)
2021  81  Life expectancy at birth, male (years)
2021  2.3  Fertility rate, total (births per woman)
2021  961  Agricultural land (sq. km)
2021  70.1  Agricultural land (% of land area)
2021  0.1  Arable land (% of land area)
2021  0.1  Forest area (% of land area)
2021  1,370.0  Land area (sq. km)
2015  1,386  Rural land area (sq. km)
2021  12,960  Surface area (sq. km)
2022  1,817  Population ages 00-04, female
2022  1,899  Population ages 00-04, male
2022  1,802  Population ages 15-19, female
2022  1,911  Population ages 15-19, male
2022  1,541  Population ages 20-24, female
2022  1,791  Population ages 20-24, male
2022  1,248  Population ages 25-29, female
2022  1,512  Population ages 25-29, male
2022  1,609  Population ages 30-34, female
2022  1,800  Population ages 30-34, male
2022  1,423  Population ages 35-39, female
2022  1,672  Population ages 35-39, male
2022  1,538  Population ages 40-44, female
2022  1,655  Population ages 40-44, male
2022  1,507  Population ages 45-49, female
2022  1,783  Population ages 45-49, male
2022  1,574  Population ages 50-54, female
2022  1,738  Population ages 50-54, male
2022  1,617  Population ages 55-59, female
2022  1,824  Population ages 55-59, male
2022  1,506  Population ages 60-64, female
2022  1,532  Population ages 60-64, male
2022  1,320  Population ages 65-69, female
2022  1,383  Population ages 65-69, male
2022  1,248  Population ages 70-74, female
2022  1,276  Population ages 70-74, male
2022  949  Population ages 75-79, female
2022  981  Population ages 75-79, male
2022  1,348  Population ages 80 and above, female
2022  1,005  Population ages 80 and above, male
2022  0.4  Population growth (annual %)
2022  53,090  Population, total
2022  25,608  Population, female
2022  48.2  Population, female (% of total population)
2022  27,482  Population, male
2022  52  Population, male (% of total population)
2022  30,379  Rural population
2022  57  Rural population (% of total population)
2022  22,711  Urban population
2022  43  Urban population (% of total population)

This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 19 November, 2019.

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