Survey Report on the Kapauri Language of Papua, Indonesia

The Kapauri language is spoken in Airu District, Jayapura County in northeastern Papua, Indonesia. A language survey of the Kapauri speech community was carried out as part of a larger sociolinguistic study initiated by SIL Indonesia to investigate the language development potential of the languages of Papua. The purpose of this part of the survey was to determine the existing Kapauri language situation and to conduct an initial investigation of the sociolinguistic dynamics of the Kapauri speech community. The survey researchers elicited wordlists, conducted community interviews, and recorded their observations. They collected data pertaining to the language boundaries and dialect situation, language vitality, and language attitudes toward both the oral and written modalities of Kapauri and also updated pertinent background information on the Kapauri language area.

For more information go to Survey Report on the Kapauri Language of Papua, Indonesia on the SIL website.
For more Journal of Language Reports go to Journal of Language Survey Reports on the SIL website.
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