
(image for) Azerbaijan (Prayercast)

Azerbaijan (Prayercast)

Government: Presidential Republic  Major People Groups: Azerbaijani (Azeri Turk), Lezgian (Lezghi), South Azerbaijani, Armenian (Ermeni), Talysh (Lenkoran)  GDP Per Capita: $13,700   Literacy Rate:...
(image for) Baha’i (Prayercast)

Baha’i (Prayercast)

Jesus loves Baha’is. While millions seek world peace through uniting religions, Jesus Christ alone - the Prince of Peace - can establish the peace that passes understanding. For more information go to Baha’i on the Prayercast website....
(image for) Bahamas (Prayercast)

Bahamas (Prayercast)

Government: Parliamentary democracy under a constitutional monarchy  Major People Groups: Black, Mulatto, British, Haitian Black, American White  GDP Per Capita: $30,800  Literacy Rate: 95.7%   Unreached:...
(image for) Bahrain (Prayercast)

Bahrain (Prayercast)

Government: Constitutional Monarchy  Major People Groups: Bahraini Arab, Persian, Filipino, Urdu, Malayali  GDP Per Capita: $40,900  Literacy Rate: 97.5%  Unreached: 77.6%  Population:...
(image for) Baluch (Prayercast)

Baluch (Prayercast)

a suppressed ethnic and religious minority. The 1.5 million Western Balochi speakers who live in southeastern Iran are part of a larger group of 10-12 million Baluch spread across Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan. The Western Baluch settled in Iran...
(image for) Bangladesh (Prayercast)

Bangladesh (Prayercast)

Government: Parliamentary Republic  Major People Groups: Bengali, Bengali (Hindu), Chittagonian, Rangpuri (Rajbansi), Sylhetti Bengali  GDP Per Capita: $4,800  Literacy Rate: 74.9%  Unreached:...
(image for) Barbados (Prayercast)

Barbados (Prayercast)

Government: Parliamentary Democracy  Major People Groups: Barbadian Black, British, Mulatto, Indo-Pakistani, USA White  GDP Per Capita: $12,900  Literacy Rate: 99.60%  Unreached: 1.4%  Population:...
(image for) Bedouma’s Story (West Africa) (Prayercast)

Bedouma’s Story (West Africa) (Prayercast)

searching for answers in secret. Islam is the dominant identity for many people groups across West Africa - but God is drawing people to Himself. Remember that Jesus died to save each one of these Muslims. Remember that each one is a unique person...
(image for) Bekzhigit’s Story (Kazakhstan) (Prayercast)

Bekzhigit’s Story (Kazakhstan) (Prayercast)

transformed by the Living God. Islam is a way of life in Central Asia. It’s woven into people’s identity. But God is still touching hearts and bringing people to himself. So when we pray, remember that they are real people and not some...
(image for) Belarus (Prayercast)

Belarus (Prayercast)

Government: Parliamentary republic, dictatorship  Major People Groups: Belarusian, Russian, Polish (Pole), Ukrainian  GDP Per Capita: $19,100  Literacy Rate: 99.9%  Unreached: 0.4%  Population:...
(image for) Belgium (Prayercast)

Belgium (Prayercast)

Government: Federal parliamentary democracy under constitutional monarchy  Major People Groups: Fleming (Dutch Flemish), Walloon (French), Walloon, Vlaams (Flemish), Limburgisch  GDP Per Capita: $48,200  Literacy Rate:...
(image for) Belize (Prayercast)

Belize (Prayercast)

Government: Parliamentary democracy  Major People Groups: Belizean Black, Guatemalan Mestizo, Mulatto, Black Carib, Kekchi  GDP Per Capita: $6,100  Literacy Rate: 93%  Unreached: 0.3%  Population:...
(image for) Belka’s Story (North Africa) (Prayercast)

Belka’s Story (North Africa) (Prayercast)

saved from a deep fear of death North Africa is home to millions of Muslims whose lives are shaped in every way by Islam. And still God is pursuing them --- personally and intimately. Like Belka. For more information go to Belka’s Story on the...
(image for) Benin (Prayercast)

Benin (Prayercast)

Government: Presidential republic  Major People Groups: Temba, Fogbe, Batonu, Dahomean, Yoba  GDP Per Capita: $3,300  Literacy Rate: 42.4%  Unreached: 18.7%  Population:...
(image for) Bhutan (Prayercast)

Bhutan (Prayercast)

Government: Constitutional Monarchy  Major People Groups: Western Bhutanese (Drukpa), Eastern Bhutanese (Sharchop), Nepalese (Paharia), Dzalakha, Khen  GDP Per Capita: $10,900  Literacy Rate: 67%  Unreached:...
(image for) Bolivia (Prayercast)

Bolivia (Prayercast)

Government: Presidential republic  Major People Groups: Bolivian Mestizo, Central Bolivian Quechua, Central Aymara, Latin American White, North Bolivian Quechua  GDP Per Capita: $7,900  Literacy Rate:...
(image for) Bosnia and Herzegovina (Prayercast)

Bosnia and Herzegovina (Prayercast)

Government: Parliamentary republic  Major People Groups: Bosniac (Muslimani), Serb, Croat, Vlach Gypsy (Gurbeti), Rumelian Turk  GDP Per Capita: $14,300  Literacy Rate: 98.50%  Unreached:...
(image for) Botswana (Prayercast)

Botswana (Prayercast)

Government: Parliamentary Republic  Major People Groups: Ngwato Tswana, Central Tswana (Beetjuans), Kwena Tswana, Ngwaketse Tswana, Kalanga (Kalana)  GDP Per Capita: $16,000  Literacy Rate: 88.50%  Unreached:...
(image for) Boureima’s Story (Burkina Faso) (Prayercast)

Boureima’s Story (Burkina Faso) (Prayercast)

finding Christ through an employee’s courageous witness The Fulani people of West Africa are almost entirely Muslim. But God is not absent. When we pray for the Fulani or any other Muslim people group, we must remember that they are real...
(image for) Brazil (Prayercast)

Brazil (Prayercast)

Government: Federal Presidential Republic  Major People Groups: Brazilian White (Branco), Brazilian Mulato, Brazilian Mestico, Brazilian Black, Japanese  GDP Per Capita: $14,100  Literacy Rate:...
(image for) Brunei (Prayercast)

Brunei (Prayercast)

Government: Absolute monarchy or sultanate  Major People Groups: Birawut  GDP Per Capita: $62,200  Literacy Rate: 97.2%  Unreached: 57.4%  Population: 471,103  Religions: Muslim, Christian,...
(image for) Buddhism (Prayercast)

Buddhism (Prayercast)

Jesus loves Buddhists. While millions strive to attain peace through self effort, the free gift of salvation through Jesus awaits all who turn to Him. For more information go to Buddhism on the Prayercast website. The above link opens in a new tab.
(image for) Bulgaria (Prayercast)

Bulgaria (Prayercast)

Government: Parliamentary Republic  Major People Groups: Bulgar, Rumelian Turk, Bulgarian Gypsy, Pomak, Arliski Balkan Gypsy  GDP Per Capita: $22,400  Literacy Rate: 98.4%  Unreached:...
(image for) Burkina Faso (Prayercast)

Burkina Faso (Prayercast)

Government: Presidential Republic  Major People Groups: Mossi (Moshi), Jula (Dyula), Gurma (Gourmance), Bissa (Bisa), Gurma Fulani (Fulbe)  GDP Per Capita: $2,200  Literacy Rate: 39.3%  Unreached:...
(image for) Burundi (Prayercast)

Burundi (Prayercast)

Government: Presidential Republic  Major People Groups: Hutu, Tutsi, Lingala (Zairian), Ruanda Tutsi, Twa (Gesera) Pygmy  GDP Per Capita: $700  Literacy Rate: 68.4%  Unreached: 0.2%  Population:...
(image for) Cairo (Prayercast)

Cairo (Prayercast)

cultural capital of the Arab world Founded in the first century AD, Cairo has been the capital of Muslim Egypt for about a thousand years. The city is the administrative, economic, industrial, educational, religious and cultural center of the...
(image for) Cambodia (Prayercast)

Cambodia (Prayercast)

Government: Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy  Major People Groups: Central Khmer (Cambodian), Vietnamese (Annamese), Western Cham (Cambodian), Han Chinese (Teochew), Han Chinese (Mandarin)  GDP Per Capita:...
(image for) Cameroon (Prayercast)

Cameroon (Prayercast)

Government: Presidential Republic  Major People Groups: Cameroonian Creole, Adamawa Fulani (Fula), Ewondo (Yaunde), Bulu Fang, Bamileke-Bandjoun  GDP Per Capita: $3,600  Literacy Rate: 77.1%   Unreached:...
(image for) Canada (Prayercast)

Canada (Prayercast)

Government: Parliamentary Democracy  Major People Groups: Anglo-Canadian, French-Canadian, British, Han Chinese, Italian  GDP Per Capita: $45,900  Literacy Rate: 100%  Unreached: 7.3%  Population:...
(image for) Cape Verde (Prayercast)

Cape Verde (Prayercast)

Government: Parliamentary Republic  Major People Groups: Alante  GDP Per Capita: $6,000  Literacy Rate: 86.8%   Unreached: 11.4%  Population: 589,451  Religions: Christian, Muslim, Ethnic...
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